General Information

NSE Symbol*999999
BSE Scrip Code*531416
MSE Symbol*999999
Type of annoucement*New
Date of initial annoucement
Date of latest annoucement
Remarks (website dissemination)The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Re.1/- per Equity Share of Rs.10 each (i.e., constituting about 10% of the fully paid up value of Rs.10 per Equity share) to be declared by shareholders at the ensuing 29th AGM tentatively scheduled to be held on Wednesday, the 25TH SEPTEMBER 2024. The details about the book closure / record date will be filed seperately when the same is determined by the Company.
Remarks for exchange (not for website dissemination)The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Re.1/- per Equity Share of Rs.10 each (i.e., constituting about 10% of the fully paid up value of Rs.10 per Equity share) to be declared by shareholders at the ensuing 29th AGM tentatively scheduled to be held on Wednesday, the 25TH SEPTEMBER 2024. The details about the book closure / record date will be filed seperately when the same is determined by the Company.
Date of report 23/05/2024


Whether prior intimation of board meeting considering interim / final dividend given to stock exchange*Yes
Details if prior intimation of board meeting considering interim / final dividend is not given to stock exchange
Date of prior intimation submitted to Stock Exchange on board meeting to consider declaration of interim / recommendation of final dividend16-05-2024
Date of board meeting considering declaration of Interim / Recommendation of Final Dividend*23-05-2024
Meeting commencement time*11:00
Meeting conclusion time*12:00
Whether declaration of Interim Dividend / Recommendation of Final Dividend approved by the board*Yes
Details If declaration of Interim Dividend / recommendation of Final Dividend is not approved/ deferred approved by the Board
Type of dividend declared / recommended by the company*1Final
Details of other type of dividend declared / recommended by the company
Final Dividend
Rate of Dividend recommended per equity share1
Has Record Date/Book Closure been fixedNo
Details if "Record Date/Book Closure has not been fixed"The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Re.1/- per Equity Share of Rs.10 each (i.e., constituting about 10% of the fully paid up value of Rs.10 per Equity share) to be declared by shareholders at the ensuing 29th AGM tentatively scheduled to be held on Wednesday, the 25TH SEPTEMBER 2024. The details about the book closure / record date will be filed seperately when the same is determined by the Company.
Record Date/Book Closure Date
Record Date
Book Closure Date
Start Date Of Book Closure Date
End Date Of Book Closure Date
Whether Date of General Meeting is fixed for the purpose of DividendYes
Details if "Date of General Meeting is not fixed for the purpose of dividend"
Date of General Meeting25-09-2024
Proposed Date within which payment of dividend shall be made by the company, if General Meeting date has been fixed24-10-2024
Period for which dividend is declared
Remarks (website dissemination)The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Re.1/- per Equity Share of Rs.10 each (i.e., constituting about 10% of the fully paid up value of Rs.10 per Equity share) to be declared by shareholders at the ensuing 29th AGM tentatively scheduled to be held on Wednesday, the 25TH SEPTEMBER 2024. The details about the book closure / record date will be filed seperately when the same is determined by the Company.
Remarks for exchange (not for website dissemination)The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Re.1/- per Equity Share of Rs.10 each (i.e., constituting about 10% of the fully paid up value of Rs.10 per Equity share) to be declared by shareholders at the ensuing 29th AGM tentatively scheduled to be held on Wednesday, the 25TH SEPTEMBER 2024. The details about the book closure / record date will be filed seperately when the same is determined by the Company.